Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Sisterhood of the traveling maternity dress

Yeah, I know I haven't posted in a while. Today's post is pretty generic, but here's a shot of me from the computer camera. I'm at 30 weeks and feeling GREAT. Can't say that I mind being pregnant at all.

The dress has a fun story, I bought it a long time ago on super sale, despite the fact that it was too big. It was a DEAL and I love me a deal. So, one day I wore it and a friend asked me if I was pregnant and at the time I wasn't and was completely mortified. Anyway, I decided it was going to make the perfect maternity dress one day and gave it to my dear friend Bari who was pregnant at the time. She loved it and lived in it during her pregnancy and then gave it back to me and now it's my maternity staple. Now it's the sisterhood of the traveling maternity dress. If you're next in line for being pregnant, let me know because this dress is yours, I promise it is the most comfortable thing on earth and WILL look good on you! :)


Melissa w/ Soul Mates Photography said...

hahaha! love this!! save it for me girl... might be a while but nevertheless.

BARI said...

I LOVE this pic, you look fabulous! The best part about this post is that I'm actually WEARING that dress in the photo of me on my home page (that you linked to). So funny. Love you girl! Can't wait to meet baby Callough!