Tuesday, May 18, 2010

Fun with String

Recently I was inspired by some online images I saw of these cool string globes. I loved the airy-ness, shape and modern feel to and thought, I can totally makes something like for our bedroom. Our bedroom needs a little love since I've been spending most of my time obsessing about the nursery. Anyway, here are some shots of J and I's attempt at some DIY crafting.

I bought a round balloon and dipped the string in glue and Jason helped me twirl the string around and around the balloon.

We did this for a while and let it dry for a few days, popped the balloon and then spray painted all the string white to give it more stability and hardness.

Next we hung it from our ceiling next to our bed. Now we have something very special in our bedroom to look at that we both created.


Megan Clark said...

Winnie! You are a crafting MANIAC! L-O-V-E this idea. Super creative. And cheap! Two of my favorite things. xoxo

Hot_On_A_Dime said...

It turned out so great! I feel like mine would end up looking very "crafty" and not nearly as cute ;)

Nice job lady! Love it!

"The Aimonites" said...

Awesome I love it. Great focal piece!

Unknown said...

Wow, what a great idea!! I love it.