Tuesday, October 28, 2008


Thanks Melissa for tagging me. I don't even know 7 people with blogs, so does that mean I'll have bad luck the rest of my life??

7 Random Facts:

1. I was named after Winnie the Pooh, my parents didn't know any good English names I guess.
2. My great-great grandfather was the first emperor of the Republic of China, Yuan ShiKai
3. I'm the 1st generation born in the US
4. One regret I have is not living in NYC
5. I love bar games: darts, foosball, pool
6. I can't stand other people's feet
7. I've bungy jumped 3 times and skydived once, all within a week span in New Zealand.

Hope you learned a few new things about me.

Now it's your turn: Kate, Tiff, Martha, Kayko, Kristin!!

1 comment:

Melissa w/ Soul Mates Photography said...

i love the random facts! seriously, were you really named after winnie the pooh?