Wednesday, August 13, 2008


Most of you know that I have a dog named Maya that I completely love. She´ll be 3 years old in October and is my first dog. I´ve taught her tricks, take her on walks and have recently taught her to ride along side me on my bike. Since being in Mexico and seeing all the scavanger dogs, I keep thinking how good Maya has it. She´s not out on the streets looking for food, fending for her life, and pregnant with her 4th litter. Yes, Maya is a dog that I love, but she´s not a human. So to me, putting dogs in doggie day care for $25 a day is a little overkill. Do you think it make us humans feel better about ourselves?


JCallough said...

Precisely! Maybe they should take that $25 and send it to the orphanage in Mexico!

OBSC said...

We need to talk. I spotted Maya over at the Mousetrap last night while Jason was riding a blue streak without a helmet. Then tonight, I caught Maya coppin' a smoke at Interstate/Lombard bus terminal. I think you better get home because I think she's seriously thinking about turning some tricks---unlikely your tutelage. Since you've left, she has far surpassed things like fetch, lay down, and roll over. She's been entirely too flirty with Hootie and Diesel, who are in an absolute dither over who should be her "man." Especially ironic since neither of them have the "man" quality, if you know what I mean.

It'll be good to see you home. This post will probably be deleted from some cheesy little Mexican internet popstand.